Schools play a very important role in moulding young children in the formation of their habits, ideals, attitudes and perceptions. The right attitudes and principles, instilled and nurtured in the formative years can promote students into becoming decent, courteous, confident, independent and successful members of a civilized community.

Every child is special in his own way and each child is gifted with unique talents and potentials by the God Almighty. Taking these points into consideration, JMA provides an environment that encourages a questioning mind and gives students many avenues for expressing their creativity and building their skills. Our institution tries to develop those hidden talents and potentials to bring out the best in each and every child. Students are like clay that can be transformed into beautiful masterpieces, they are lands that can be cultivated to bring the best harvest, they are like saplings, if sown in fertile land can grow and blossom into trees. But all this is to be done with great precaution. The teachers of our institution are trained in a way to bring the all round development of the children of our school.

It is also my earnest request to the parents and guardians to provide conducive environment to their children so that it enables us to achieve our goal of moulding the child in a way to create better and sincere citizens of our country.

Jesus and Mary Academy
Patna City