At JMA, the daily administration of affairs lies with the Teachers and the students and is viewed with a different perspective.

Outside the classroom, teachers adopt the role of guide and mentor. The school has a unique system of self governance through such committees as the school council.

Discipline and 'getting the job done' is regular feature of JMA. The Prefects are given responsibility and a reasonable degree of authority to function effectively.

Each house has a House Captain and Class Prefects. Overall responsibility resides with the School Captain and House Mentor.

The House Council concept is unique. House Captains, Prefects, Students, Teachers and House Mentors hold a lively meeting at regular intervals during the school year to discuss matters pertaining to the House, thereby encouraging participation and decision making.

The School also practices active leadership through its Student-in-charge of the many societies, activities and Functions.

At JMA, guidance and counselling services are given utmost priority by the Principal.

The School’s career programme is based on the principles of self development, career exploration and career management

What we offer:

  • An effective Career guidance for students to support choices and to enable them to make informed decisions relating to their future.
  • Academic advising for students.
  • Specific information and guidance to students and parents relating to subject choices, Higher Education choices, and to advise and expose them to possible career paths.
  • Organise visits by Doctors, Professors, Administrative Officers, Leaders and other Renowned Personalities from our Society.
  • Up-to-date resources in the Department. A library where students can research careers and university courses.