The institution has kept the School spirit flying high with its legacy of history and glorious traditions

Since its inception, JMA has cherished, upheld and epitomized the highest ideals and principles. JMA has focused on developing in its students pride in Indian culture and awareness of national and global issues and concerns. JMA is meant to provide the youth of the country with an opportunity to get an all-round education based on an adaptation of the English public school system on India's tradition-enriched soil.

JMA believes that education transforms lives, and that transformed people can make a difference in their societies and in the world by working for tolerance, understanding, justice and compassion. Living and learning in a diverse community allows us to recognise our common humanity and promotes practical understanding. JMA believes that Christian ideals, values and faith are a solid foundation for life, and that, among other things, these ideals and values encourage a sense of responsibility for ourselves, for one another, and for the world. The pursuit of education is not limited to the confines of a classroom alone but is extended to our natural environs. The hallmark of this school is the freedom and liberty it provides to every single student to discover herself and her surroundings, her strengths and passions and ultimately, her own unique identity. Most importantly, JMA instills in all its students a keen awareness of the fact that before we are JMites we are Indians, we are citizens of one world and are responsible for its future.

Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy.

A secular space : JMA instills in its students a deep regard for all Indian traditions and customs. Living within the JMA family, students learn to appreciate diverse faiths and beliefs and celebrate all major festivals with equal joy and reverence. This not only fosters national spirit but also invokes an atmosphere of community and co-operation.

Concern for Community : While competition and the desire to excel are an essential part of school life (witness the many trophies gracing the shelves in school), real social potential is built through such collaborative activity as regular community service. The students not only organise and conduct social welfare events, but their activities range from spending time at the Missionaries of Charity located in Patna City which is Home for the mentally challenged people, Old Age Home and Orphans to recycling paper in school, from collecting clothes and supplies for natural disaster victims and so on...

This is the start of an abiding, life-long sense of social responsibility.

Career matter : : Students are encouraged to set career goals for themselves; to hone their learning and study skills as well as their interpersonal and leadership abilities. In the area of career enhancement, students have opportunities to connect with mentors through our Career Counselling and Life-skills Programmes, run by qualified professional Teachers and Principal/Vice-Principal.

Alma Mater : Alumni of the school have moved along many different paths, and in many different directions. They include distinguished names in the fields of business, services, art and culture. Many ex-students send their wards to study in the School where they themselves spent so many happy years in the School.

Friends forever:Though the academic and cultural benefits of being a JMite are extensive, there is one factor that stands out for most students - lifelong friendships. Spending time with each other, classmates are more than friends, they are family. The importance of these friendships is a constant theme among students and alumni.

  • And so the JMA spirit lives on.........